Eat & Drink

Relish the flavours of contemporary Mediterranean cuisine beneath the Mauritian sky, where the ebbs of the waves entwine with the gentle rustle of palm leaves.

C Beach Club: Your Culinary Odyssey Starts Here
Looking for an elegant and exclusive restaurant in Mauritius? The perfect all-day dining experience awaits you at the C Beach Club.

Bask in the sun by the poolside, while savouring the crisp notes of a refreshing cocktail or flavours of our mid-afternoon snacks.
Surrender to decadent desserts, summery sorbets, and otherworldly treats that define the culinary excellence of the C Beach Club.

Food Menu
Seasonal bowl fruits, yogurt, goji berries, oats & honey (V/N)
Fruits de saison, yaourt, baies de goji, avoine et mielRs 450
Waffles or pancakes, served with your choice of Nutella spread, whipped cream, or maple syrup (V)
Gauffres ou crèpes servi avec vôtre choix de Nutella, crème chantilli, ou sirop d’érableRs 450
Toast, avocado, poached eggs, cherry tomatoes, basil, paprika & coriander (S)
Toast, avocat, œufs pochés, tomate cerises, basilique paprika & coriandreRs 650
3 eggs omelet, roasted peppers, bacon & feta (P)
Omelette de 3 œufs, feta, poivrons grillés, baconRs 600
Scrambled tofu, tomato, mushroom, spinach, hash Brown, baked beans (V)
Tofu brouillés, tomates, champignons, épinard, pomme de terre rissolées, haricotsRs 500
Eggs your way,smoked marlin, mushrooms, tomato, hash brown, beans
Oeufs à votre convenance, marlin fumé, champignons, tomates, pommes de terre rissolées, haricotsRs 600
Juices - Orange | Pineapple | Tropical
Jus - Orange | Ananas | Jus tropicalRs 390
Signature Iced tea | Tamarind | Homemade lemonade
Thé glacé Signature | Tamarin | Limonade fait maisonRs 300
Poke Beach (F) | Marinated tuna, avocado, cucumber, crunchy radish, pineapple, mixed grains
Poke Beach (F) | Thon mariné, avocat, concombre, radis croquant, ananas, céréales gourmandesRs 850
Chicken ceasar salad (P) | Crispy lettuce, eggs, croutons, anchovies, bacon, tender chicken
Salade Cesar au poulet (F) | Laitue romaine croquante, œufs parfaits, croûtons dorés, anchois salés, poulet tendreRs 850
Vitello Tonnato (F) | Veal cooked at low temperature, creamy tuna sauce
Vitello Tonnato (F) | Basse température, sauce au thon crémeuseRs 1,100
Classic Burger | Cheddar, ripe tomatoes, onions, pickles
Burger Classique | Cheddar fondant, tomates mûres, oignons, cornichonsRs 975
Seared tuna (F) | Chermoula marinade, fried eggplant, chimichurri sauce
Thon Mi-Cuit (F) | Marinade chermoula, fritti d’aubergine, sauce chimichurriRs 975
Frutti di Mare (F)(C) | Seafood, tomato, pesto
Frutti di Mare (F)(C) | Fruits de mer, tomate, pistouRs 1,150
Quattro Stagioni (V) | Eggplant, peppers, artichokes, onions, mozzarella, tomato
Quattro Stagioni (V) | Aubergines, poivrons, artichauts, oignons, mozzarella, tomateRs 950
Spaghetti Napolitana (V) | Ripe tomatoes, basil
Spaghetti Napolitaine (V) | Tomates mûres, basilicRs 750
Beef Carpaccio (N) | Capers, parmesan and arugula
Carpaccio de bœuf (N) | Câpres, parmesan et roquetteRs 800
Seafood ‘Au gratin’ (C)(F) | Seafood, herbs
Gratin traditionnel du lagon (C)(F) | Fruits de mer, herbesRs 850
Tuna from the lagoon (F) | Coconut and lime sauce, sauteed brocoli with almonds
Thon de la pêche du lagon (F) | Sauce coco/lime, brocolis sautés aux amandesRs 1250
Catch of the day (F) | Eggplant Caponata, capers and lemon chutneys
Pêche du jour (F) | Caponata d’aubergine, condiments de câpres et citronRs1,250
Pan-seared beef filet | Sauteed potatoes with thyme, caramelised
Pièce de bœuf cuite au sautoir | Pommes sautées au thym, oignons caramélisés, sauce au poivre localRs1,550
Marinated tiger prawns with garlic and ginger (C) | Lemon butter, rissotto
Gambas marinées, ail et gingembre (C) | Beurre citronné, petit épeautre façon risottoRs1,550
Pineapple carpaccio | Basil infusion, Rodrigues lime sorbet
Carpaccio d'ananas | Infusion basilic, sorbet limon de RodriguesRs 500
Chocolate fondant | Custard cream
Moelleux au chocolat | Crème anglaiseRs 500

Drink Menu
Rum, lemon & mint, sugar, soda, bitterRhum, menthe & citron, sucre, soda, bitter
Rs 650
Tequila, triple sec, cranberry & lemon juiceTequila, triple sec, jus de canneberge & citron
Rs 700
Cucumber, honey syrup, mango purée, Lime juice, ginger beerConcombre, sirop de miel, purée de mangue, jus de citron bière au gingembre
Rs 540
Dark rhum, lemon juice, brown sugar, pineappleRhum brun, jus de citron, sucre brun, cube d'ananas.
Rs 650
Gin, Lemon juice, Strawberry syrup, Triple Sec Pineapple JuiceGin, Jus de citron, Sirop fraise, Triple Sec, Jus d’ananas
Rs 700
Gin, Pineapple juice, Lemon juice, Cane syrup Apple juice, Ginger aleGin, Jus d’ananas, Jus de citron, Sirop de canne, Jus de pomme, Soda au gingembre
Rs 700
Juniper, Pine, Lavender, citrusRs 650
Cinnamon, Orange, Angelica root, BergamotRs 750
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